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Condensed Milk - Helpful tidbits for parents & entrepreneurs

Helpful tidbits for parents and entrepreneurs

Jun 18, 2021

Announcing Our New Site!

WE ARE BACK, POMMOS!! It’s 13 years later, and many American families are still struggling to make ends meet. Now that our children are older and more self-reliant, the plan to return both...Read More

Oct 07, 2015

Our Milk Money has been selected for the 2015 Best of Valencia Award in the Associations/Non-Profits category by the Valencia Award Program!

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Our Milk Money Receives 2015 Best of Valencia Award Valencia Award Program...Read More

Mar 16, 2015


HOW TO GET YOUR KIDS TO LISTEN WITHOUT NAGGING REMINDING OR YELLING! This is what you will learn on the free webinar…Parents of toddlers to teens will learn... - why kids really misbehave...Read More

Mar 16, 2015



Mar 16, 2015

Sign up now to receive your free copy of the Career Parent Toolkit!

Filled with resources especially for the Parent who is looking to make a career change that will support your choice to stay at home! This toolkit features small business start-up resources, helpful...Read More

Mar 16, 2015

Find us on the iHeart Radio Library!

  This Little Parent Stayed Home is back.... ...and our show is breaking MORE new ground than ever before!! Currently, all of our shows are being uploaded to our new platform on iHEART RADIO....Read More

Mar 12, 2015

Article Marketing

  Article Marketing is a great tool to use when it comes to adding traffic to your site. If you are not familiar with what it is, Article Marketing is simply writing articles and submitting...Read More

Mar 12, 2015

New Social Media Tools Are Here!

Members, Its time to update your profiles!! Thanks to our new volunteer WebMaster, Anna Marie Martin, we are now able to find you on your Social Media Profiles such as Facebook, Twitter and Linked...Read More

Mar 12, 2015

The Daddy's Den: Where Fathers Go To Be Funny

  Loud and Proud   T.G.I.M. Phew.  Man, I’m exhausted. It’s been rough and I struggled to get through it, but I made it to my favorite day...Read More

Dec 06, 2011

We must be doing something right! Read what others are saying about us...

 Testimonials / Quotes Read our reviews on iTunes! "I had the pleasure of hearing the FAB Ally Freund Loprete speak this past weekend, and I was truly touched. Ally is a beautiful...Read More


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Displaying 1 - 20 (of 33)

The businesses in this directory are listed for free thanks to our sponsor, who makes it possible...
Freelance Bookkeeping LLC
(Business Services)
San Diego County
Poway, CA
Ph: 480-327-9029
Email Us

Small business bookkeeping services at a fixed monthly rate. Easy for your budget - simplifies your business. You are now free to focus on your business.
My Milk Money Pays for...our three little ones to learn, laugh, and love at home on every day. We are blessed that helping others grow their businesses has allowed us to grow and support our family!
  Sealed Mindset
(Parent Support)
San Diego County
P.O. Box 420051
San Diego, CA 92142
Ph: 619.819.7579
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Sealed Mindset is the first online awareness and personal safety educational program for families. Sealed Mindset is based on the U.S. Navy SEAL mindset and skills used to observe, assess and to avoid threats. This interactive online education combines 30 years of elite training into 5-10 hours of interactive and accessible online lessons complete with videos and skill building exercises that parents can use to teach their children how to be more aware each day.
My Milk Money Pays for...A medically retired 11 year veteran of the Navy SEALs who was injured overseas.
  Tristar Mattress
(Home Goods/Decor)
Santa Clarita
Ph: 818-324-5502 or 661-857-1766
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We sell top quality mattresses by Spring Air at 50%-70% lower than retail prices. All mattresses include boxspring and a 10 year warranty. Showroom is by appt. only.
My Milk Money Pays for...An independent and curious little boy who loves to discover things, but loves his Mommy and Daddy even more!
  The Original OUTBACK Catering
San Fernando Valley
14731 Keswick St
Van Nuys CA 91405
Ph: 818-909-4949
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We are a full service catering company specializing in casual parties and events. We do BBQ, food carts, appetizers, fresh salads and have traditional and eclectic menu items
My Milk Money Pays for...I have 5 children, 1 grown, 2 in collage, a 6 year old and a 3 year old. Our 6 year old was diagnoses as autistic and has gone though ABA therapy and extensive biomedical treatments-Guess what my milk money pays for.
  TINK INK Publishing
(Parent Support)
Ph: 6232718992
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Teach, inspire, nurture kids through educational and entertaining children's books...
My Milk Money Pays for...our lives with three fabulous children!
(Apparel/Accessories, Child Products/Services, Gifts, Jewelry)
Ph: 619-993-3734
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Baxies are jewelry that enhances the area of your ear that you don't see but others do. Baxies will launch with 2-4 designs and will come in collectible designs that your tween can collect, trade and share with her friends. At this time we are pre-selling Baxies via our kickstarter campaign. Once the funds are raised Baxies will be manufactured in the U.S.A. I've been working on this product for over 2 years and I'm in the final stages of producing it for your tween or teen.
My Milk Money Pays for...I am the mother of a brilliant 12 yr old daughter & a 4 yr old son who is bright and full of energy. Baxies will give me the earning power I used to enjoy as a realtor but with the satisfaction of being home with my children every day.
Susan Murphy Inc
Sherman Oaks
Ph: 866-419-1628
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I am a stay at home grandma. I co-parent our 6 yo, and run Susan Murphy inc. I feature beautiful, original, caps, totes and gifts. Something for everyone, 10% given to various Charities. Spoiling customers since 1979 !
My Milk Money Pays for...A new life for me and my family
Success Made Simple
(Business Services)
Santa Clarita
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2) Teleseminars/Tele Interviews with Authors and Experts
My Milk Money Pays for...sustaining an opportunity for our family to work together creating, designing, publishing, and delivering a weekly paper.
Teens Cash Coach
(Books/DVD/Music, Childcare/Education, Parent Support)
Beverly Hills
Ph: 661-296-6054
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My Milk Money Pays sweet boy's college education.
Kim Curran Photography
South Park
Ph: 619-819-7542
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Kim Curran is San Diego's award winning modern child photographer. She has a vibrant, colorful style of capturing your child. Are you ready to see you little sweetheart through the eyes of an artist? Kim also offers photgraphy tips for parents.
My Milk Money Pays for...time with Jack & Isabelle xoxo
Star Service DVD Solutions
(Books/DVD/Music, Entertainment)
Santa Clarita
Ph: 661-373-1862
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We are a multimedia company offering a wide range of services, everything from transferring home movies to DVD, to creating beautiful moving slide shows to commemorate weddings, birthdays and other life events. We offer full service editing and custom navigation for all of our DVD and webcast clients. All projects are edited and transferred in house, literally, so you never need to worry about losing your valuable memories in the mail.
My Milk Money Pays, clothing and bio meds for our son Jem who is actively recovering from Autism!
Cozy Cudddlez
(Baby/Maternity, Child Products/Services, Crafts)
San Diego
Ph: 6197498247
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Cozy Cuddlez is a website that offers handmade gifts and products for babies, children and pets. Featuring Diaper Wipe Cases, Fleece Blankets, Pet Pillows/Beds, Fleece Flip Flops, Girls purses and More. Custom Orders Welcome
My Milk Money Pays for...for my Four Beautiful Children and being able to watch my little ones grow up right in front of m and not in the hands of others.
Youth Acting Biz
San Fernando Valley
At The Historic Lankershim Arts Center
5108 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood, CA 91601
Ph: 3109413788
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Professional Acting Training Program for Kids ages 4-17. Classes in Sitcom, Commercial and Improv. Musical Theatre Intensive Camp, July 19-23, 2010
My Milk Money Pays for...Our Fun Money as a family, trips, dinners, family outings
Julie Smith, Family & Busines Lifestyle Coach
(Business Services, Mental Health, Parent Support)
San Diego County
315 S. Coast Hwy 101, Ste. U-268
Encinitas, CA 92024
Ph: 877.485.5222
Email Us

I support self-employed and solopreneur parents align family and business with conscious character so they can enjoy more income, more freedom and more fun at home and work.
My Milk Money Pays for...the lifestyle me, my family and my business deserve.
My Healing Club
(Skin Care/Beauty)
San Diego County
Ph: 858-888-2499
Email Us

Do you know anyone with wrinkles? One minute demo on your hand or face-feeling and seeing is believing. Look at testimonials.
My Milk Money Pays for...As a single mom, my milk money helps with my precious 9yr old daughter and my cancer surviving mom.
  Hemet Rubber Stamp & Sign Company
(Business Services)
San Diego County
27196 Wedgewood Drive
Hemet, CA 92544
Ph: 951-927-8285
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We CUSTOM make the following: Rubber Stamps, Wood Mounts, Self-Inking, Pre-Inks Stamps.
Address Stamp, Bank Deposit Stamps, Daters and more. Engrave Name Tags, Signs and Dog Tags.
Banners are made two different ways either with Vinyl or Digital Print. Vinyl Lettering that comes in an assortment of colors for Walls and Cars. Magnetic Signs for Cars. Printing of Business Cards, Brochures and Flyers. Heat Press your design on Sweat Shirts, T-Shirts, Hats, Bags. Short Run Stickers from 1 to 1000.
My Milk Money Pays for...Jennifer and Melissa's Schooling.
(Child Products/Services, Fitness/Health, Food/Beverage, Household Care, Skin Care/Beauty)
Santa Clarita
34111 Crown Valley Road,
Acton, CA 93510
Ph: 661-269 1174
Email Us

I work from home. I haven't missed a beat in watching my 5 year old grow.

I have tons of fun in business, zero stress and almost zero overhead.

I work with cool people and love what I do.

Oh yes. Our products and compensation are the best in the business. The best. Easy said, but I'll stand behind that 100%.

That helps with the energy and fun a lot!

So let's see. We provide fun, freedom, tax savings, outstanding products, broadened horizons and peace of mind.
My Milk Money Pays for...My incredible life-changing 5 year old called Cameron. I am a work from home Dad who loves every minute I get to spend with him. I am deeply grateful for finding network marketing which enables this.
(Business Services, Gifts, Home Services, Invitations/Events/Parties)
San Fernando Valley
Ph: 760-885-0084
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Your Card Man is a dist. for Send Out Cards(SOC). SOC is a new concept & service that benefits business & individuals alike.
You can send a printed greeting card with your message in Less than 60 Seconds.
Choose your card
Write your message
Click send
SOC prints, stuffs it & mails it, all for less than a greeting card at the store.
SOC also works with other businesses & charities. If your business needs a powerful
follow up system that builds relationships & referrals. SOC is the answer.
My Milk Money Pays for...This business helps me feed and support my family of 5.
  Ladies Who Launch Phoenix
(Business Services)
Ph: 858-603-4245
Email Us

We are an online and local community networking in over 50 locations across the U.S. and Canada. We offer networking, resources and workshops for women entrepreneurs.
My Milk Money Pays for...This is a full-time roll and it allows me to raise my three beautiful daughters with creativity and lifesytle.
(Gifts, Jewelry, Skin Care/Beauty)
San Fernando Valley
Ph: 8183958636
Email Us

twigSoap specializes in hand made soaps and salts delicately blended with the finest ingredients from all over the world. TwigRocks are gemstones creations. TwigSoap makes gift giving handmade cherished gifts simple and from the heart.
My Milk Money Pays for...three little girls who have active lifestyles and love to learn about the world around them!

Displaying 1 - 20 (of 33)