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Condensed Milk - Helpful tidbits for parents & entrepreneurs

Helpful tidbits for parents and entrepreneurs

Jun 18, 2021

Announcing Our New Site!

WE ARE BACK, POMMOS!! It’s 13 years later, and many American families are still struggling to make ends meet. Now that our children are older and more self-reliant, the plan to return both...Read More

Oct 07, 2015

Our Milk Money has been selected for the 2015 Best of Valencia Award in the Associations/Non-Profits category by the Valencia Award Program!

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Our Milk Money Receives 2015 Best of Valencia Award Valencia Award Program...Read More

Mar 16, 2015


HOW TO GET YOUR KIDS TO LISTEN WITHOUT NAGGING REMINDING OR YELLING! This is what you will learn on the free webinar…Parents of toddlers to teens will learn... - why kids really misbehave...Read More

Mar 16, 2015



Mar 16, 2015

Sign up now to receive your free copy of the Career Parent Toolkit!

Filled with resources especially for the Parent who is looking to make a career change that will support your choice to stay at home! This toolkit features small business start-up resources, helpful...Read More

Mar 16, 2015

Find us on the iHeart Radio Library!

  This Little Parent Stayed Home is back.... ...and our show is breaking MORE new ground than ever before!! Currently, all of our shows are being uploaded to our new platform on iHEART RADIO....Read More

Mar 12, 2015

Article Marketing

  Article Marketing is a great tool to use when it comes to adding traffic to your site. If you are not familiar with what it is, Article Marketing is simply writing articles and submitting...Read More

Mar 12, 2015

New Social Media Tools Are Here!

Members, Its time to update your profiles!! Thanks to our new volunteer WebMaster, Anna Marie Martin, we are now able to find you on your Social Media Profiles such as Facebook, Twitter and Linked...Read More

Mar 12, 2015

The Daddy's Den: Where Fathers Go To Be Funny

  Loud and Proud   T.G.I.M. Phew.  Man, I’m exhausted. It’s been rough and I struggled to get through it, but I made it to my favorite day...Read More

Dec 06, 2011

We must be doing something right! Read what others are saying about us...

 Testimonials / Quotes Read our reviews on iTunes! "I had the pleasure of hearing the FAB Ally Freund Loprete speak this past weekend, and I was truly touched. Ally is a beautiful...Read More


Search Pensacola, FL[Change Location]

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Displaying 1 - 8 (of 8)

The businesses in this directory are listed for free thanks to our sponsor, who makes it possible...
  Taste of Home Entertaining
(Home Goods/Decor)
Email Us

Taste of Home Entertaining is a brand new party plan company offering beautiful home decorating products, fantastic kitchen tools, and unforgettable entertaining showpieces. Plus, we offer unlimited income potential, benefits, and opportunities for personal growth.
My Milk Money Pays for...We contribute to tithe, offerings, and little things needed.
(Apparel/Accessories, Jewelry, Skin Care/Beauty)
Ph: 850-543-2060
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Avon has been an American Icon over 120 years. Hundreds of innovative beauty products at smart-value prices. Avon is a global beauty brand that's recognized around the world!
My Milk Money Pays 3 little adorable children who always need shoes and crayons!
Barker & Associates, LLC
(Business Services, Technology)
Ph: 850-543-2060
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Certified Professional Career Coach (CPCC)
Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW)
Published in Cover Letters for Dummies 3rd Edition, Jan 2009
1st place National Benjamin Franklin Awards -2009 Best Career Book of the Year
Active member of Professional Association of Resume Writers (PARW)
Resume writing services and Career Coaching
My Milk Money Pays 3 adorable children who always outgrow their shoes and clothes! And helps me contribute to our family budget for groceries etc!
Missy Kern, Creative Memories Independent Consult
Ph: 850-936-8804
Email Us

With Creative Memories, it's all about the photos! We take photos for a remember that special moment in time with our family and friends. Lots of them too if you have a digital camera! Yet, the pictures are often stuck in the camera, computer, or under the bed! Let me show you the many solutions available to preserve your memories and get your photos back into your everyday life! It is so rewarding to have a personal keepsake that tells your story.
Your Life/ Your Story/Your Way
My Milk Money Pays two funny boys, Casey & Charlie, and their love of family, fun, and LEGOS!!
  Lisa�s Wee Piggies
(Art, Baby/Maternity, Child Products/Services, Invitations/Events/Parties)
Gulf Coast
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One-of-a-kind life cast statues, shadow boxes & ornaments made from your child�s precious hands & feet. Baby shoe bronzing. Diaper cakes. Belly casting. Personalized chocolate/favors. Stork deliveries & lawn greetings.
My Milk Money Pays for...three beautiful children that make me smile every day!
Apriori Beauty
(Skin Care/Beauty)
Ph: (850) 232-1244
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My Milk Money Pays to be home with my precious little girl who loves the American Flag and playing in the grass & rocks.
Pea Pie Baby
Ocala, FL
Ph: (352) 732-2602
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Our fabulous items include: Melissa & Doug toys, Plan Toys, Crocodile Creek, cloth diapers, Hooter Hiders, pedipeds, Smart Mom Teething Jewelry, Ellie Bellie Kids super-hero capes and tutus, Charlie's Soap and much more. Free shipping for orders over $75.
Save 10% on your first order -- code: milk
My Milk Money Pays for...mommy being home with her sweet girl, Jodi, a puppy-loving, strawberry-eating, happy little girl.
  Stampin UP! - Independent Demonstrator
Ph: 850-479-4908
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At Stampin' Up! we are excited to share our exclusive line of decorative stamp sets and accessories for greeting cards, scrapbooking, craft projects and home decor! Stampin' Up! products are not sold in stores but through independent sales consultants.
My Milk Money Pays for...Fun "field trips" with the kids and other extracurricular things for the family!

Displaying 1 - 8 (of 8)